Mother's Day
Secret Garden
Lush peony arrangement with tulips, lissy, sorry roses, Kermits in a ceramic boat vase.
Order within 7 hours 29 minutes for same-day delivery!
Green Lantern
Fresh from the garden, this special refreshing rose bouquet is arranged in a glorious sage green glass lantern with golden handle and embossed design.
This arrangement features crĆØme roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, white waxflower, dusty miller and huckleberry. This bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Lush Garden Lantern, which can be used as a lovely votive or piece of dĆ©cor. Approximately 13 3/4" W x 13 1/2" H
Order within 7 hours 29 minutes for same-day delivery!
Shown at $98.00
Each Roses, Cm, Crme, Roses, Spray, Pink, Alstroemeria, Pink, Each Carnations, Pink, Chrysanthemums, Cushion Spray, Green, Waxflower, White, Dusty Miller, Huckleberry, Lush Garden Lantern, Sage, Teleflora, S, ( H X W Opening).
Fresh from the garden, this special refreshing rose bouquet is arranged in a glorious sage green glass lantern with golden handle and embossed design.
This arrangement features crĆØme roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, white waxflower, dusty miller and huckleberry. This bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Lush Garden Lantern, which can be used as a lovely votive or piece of dĆ©cor. Approximately 13 3/4" W x 13 1/2" H
Shown at $98.00
Shown at $98.00
Each Roses, Cm, Crme, Roses, Spray, Pink, Alstroemeria, Pink, Each Carnations, Pink, Chrysanthemums, Cushion Spray, Green, Waxflower, White, Dusty Miller, Huckleberry, Lush Garden Lantern, Sage, Teleflora, S, ( H X W Opening).
Fresh from the garden, this special refreshing rose bouquet is arranged in a glorious sage green glass lantern with golden handle and embossed design.
This arrangement features crĆØme roses, pink spray roses, pink alstroemeria, pink carnations, green cushion spray chrysanthemums, white waxflower, dusty miller and huckleberry. This bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Lush Garden Lantern, which can be used as a lovely votive or piece of dĆ©cor. Approximately 13 3/4" W x 13 1/2" H
Shown at $98.00
Same Day Delivery!
Soft and Elegant
Hand-Tied Bouquet
Beautiful soft pinks, blues and whites and pale yellows.
Order within 7 hours 29 minutes for same-day delivery!
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Order within 7 hours 29 minutes for same-day delivery!
Send mom your love this year through a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers. Mother's Day is your time to show mom just how much you appreciate her and everything she has done. Let Petal Me Sugar Florist help you say "Thinking of you, mom" and "I love you always" with flowers -- no matter if you live here in Aurora, or across the country. Simply click any of the beautiful Mother's Day flower arrangements above to order online!